Friday, January 25, 2008

25 January 2008 Friday

9:45 AM - I woke up. I used the restroom. I turned on the computer. I checked my YouTube email on AOL.

10:10 AM - I jumped back into bed!

11:10 AM - Miguel woke up. He got ready. I gave him my post office key. He can pick up my mail today. I am still under the weather with the nasty cold. I drawn him a map of the post office too; the exact location of my box. He will make some copies of his resume too. Miguel wanted me to wash the whites when he is gone. Fat chance!

11:40 AM - Miguel left the building.

12:30 PM - EastEnders on KOCE 50.

I did the system restore on the Vista computer.

3:19 PM - Miguel was on his way home. He just got off the bus at 7/11. He asked about the whites. No yet. I was waiting for him. I let him in the gate. He had a target bag with him. He gave me my mail, mostly junk. The medicare card came! Oh yeah, the phone bill came too.

I uploaded I am an artist video on YouTube.

i am an artist

I am an artist.
The paintings with words suits me.
I will be famous.

3:40 PM - He sorted out the clothes. I put the whites in the washing machine. Then, I went back in the place. He told me that he have another load. I waited and waited and waited till he was finished with his dry cleaner coat. Wouldn’t you know it? All this time, a neighbor used the other washing machine. I told Miguel that he was late. I didn’t like that. I like to wash loads at the same time. Now, it took me twice as longer to wash the clothes.

Miguel put away the stuff he got from Target. He got some twizzles, three different kinds of Pringles and Ritz. We had one roll of Ritz. I haven’t that in a long time. We watched Ellen’s 50th birthday on her show. I went back to the laundry room. The other guy was four minutes behind me. I put the whites in the dryer and the next load in the washing machine. I went back to my place.

I reinstalled the webcam. I have some problems. It isn’t working right at all. I did it again. The same problem happened. I put the whites out of the dryer. I put the next load in. I went back to the place with the clean clothes. I gave Miguel his dry cleaner coat. he was pleased with his coat. He folded the clothes. We watched the news.

Miguel fell asleep during the Andy Griffith show. I went to the laundry room again. I had about four minutes left. I went back to my place for the keys. I checked the mailbox. We got some mail. I got the last of the clothes and went back to the place. Miguel was still sleeping. I woke up him. I gave him his mail. I folded the clothes. I dealt with the webcam again. Once again, it wasn’t a success. I may use the wrong disk for the webcam. I tried it three times! Miguel woke up from his nap.

7:35 PM - Miguel heated up the soup. He sorted out his clean clothes I left on the bed. He put the clothes in the closet. He cooked the shrimp separately. He put the shrimp in the soup and called it “shrimp soup.” It was formerly known as chicken soup!

8 PM - Keeping Up Appearances on KOCE 50.

We ate out soup. During the second episode, I noticed I have no sound on the Vista computer. I have no ideal. I tried to fix the problem. Then again, I don’t know how. I am not a computer expert! I need to call Brian tomorrow. He always help me with my computer problems. It used to be Robert!

9 PM - Diff’rent Strokes.

10 PM - FOX 11 news.

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