9:45 AM - I ate Rice Krispies for breakfast. Most times, I don’t use milk in my cereal.
10 AM - I watched The View. I put up some yesterday’s pics on myspace.
11:50 AM - Miguel finally wake up.
Noon - I Love Lucy came on FOX 11. Miguel washed the dishes.
12:30 PM - I watched EastEnders. Miguel joined me on the couch for the second episode.
I took some pics. We got the glacier water first outside. I gave him the change. We went inside. We got two loaves of bread, bananas, tomatoes and milk. Miguel gave me $5. It costs $11.02.
2:25 PM - We got home. I am tired and hot.
Miguel wished he was dead. He doesn’t want to live any more. He had enough.
2:40 PM - Miguel turned on the TV. He took out the last pork chops from the freezer for tonight’s supper. He cut up the mango for me. It wasn't that good. I ate it any way. I had some crab meat.
I upload the Supper #1 video on YouTube. I haven’t put up a video in a few days.
supper #1
6:15 PM - Miguel started to cook. I will make a video of it!
7:40 PM - We ate the pork chops with corn and tomatoes on top. The rice was on the side. We watched Wheel Of Fortune and Keeping Up Appearances.
9 PM - I watched Mork & Mindy on KDOC 56. Miguel washed the dishes. David Letterman was on Mork & Mindy. I told Miguel about that! Miguel made some Jell-o and pudding.
I told Miguel about the Hollywood YouTube Gathering tomorrow at Hollywood/Highland mall. He is interest of going with me. I’m glad that he is going. I will have someone to hang out with. He is my first choice. We would have lots of fun. There are some tubers I am looking forward of seeing. I want to see GayGod. I talked with him a while back on Stickam. I don’t think Matthew Lush would remember. It have been so long. Of course, Cory aka Mr. Safety. He did the Mean Kitty song last year. That song was catchy. GayGod and Cory comes to my mind. Hmm, who else will be there?
12 Midnight - I watched Married...With Children. I went to bed. Good night!
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