Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life Is…

By Kazz Falcon

Life is
happiness and sadness.

Life is
be yourself and living a lie.

Life is
reality and fantasy.

Life is
between a rock and a hard place.

Life is
a joy and an tragedy.

Life is
an adventure and boring.

Life is
destiny and fate.

Life is
positive and negative.

Life is
a gamble and a risk.

Life is
Hell and Heaven.

Life is
live in fear and conquer the fears.

Life is
open minded and close minded.

Life is
naughty and nice.

Life is
struggles and making it.

Life is
a failure and a success.

Life is
being alive and death.

Life is
a baby, a kid, a teen and a adult.

Life is
being careful and living dangerous.

Life is
choices and mistakes.

Life is
love and lust.

Life is
friends and enemies.

Life is
clean and dirty.

Life is
war and peace.

Life is
the city and the country.

Life is
working and an holiday.

Life is
young and old.

Life is
hurting and healing.

Life is
murder and mayhem.

Life is
the past, the present and the future.

Life is
dreams and nightmares.

Life is
strong and weak.

Life is
the truth and lies.

Life is
wealthy and poor.

Life is
sick and healthy.

Life is
known and unknown.

Life is
good and bad.

Life is
eating and starving.

Life is
curse and blessing.

Life is
destroy and building.

Life is
home and homeless.

Life is
sober and not sober.

Life is
love and hate.

Life is
single and married.

Life is
pregnant and unwed.

Life is
abortion and birth.

Life is
guilty and innosence.

Life is
winning and losing.

Life is
laughing and crying.

Life is
what you make the most out of it.

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